Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When Jesus paid it all, He bought it all!

We are quickly approaching the glorious celebration of Easter.  A great sense of expectation is in the air.

I have some great news to share with you regarding an opportunity for a larger part of the Body of Christ to come together in celebration of Good Friday.  Church of Anchorage is hosting a citywide Good Friday service.

Good Friday Service
“When Jesus paid it all, He bought it all.”
 7:00 - 8:30 PM
West High School Auditorium
More than a dozen churches (to date) have come together in planning this time of reflection and celebration of the Cross of Christ. We will be examining the enormity of the little word, “All.”  The “All” encompasses the redemptive benefits of the cross for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, generation, or social status.  It encompasses all of creation, all that is seen and unseen - it was ‘All’ created ‘by Him and for Him.’  
Jesus is glorified when His Church comes together to seek His face and to declare His Majesty and Greatness over our city and state.  Please join us in demonstrating the unity as believers that Jesus prayed for in Jn.17:21;  “that they would be one even as we are one.”  
You may do this in several ways:
  1. Participate in the citywide choir for this service (info@churchofanchorage.com)
  2. Help with prayer, greeter, and usher teams is needed (info@churchofanchorage.com)
  3. Please help us spread the word about this service!  We have promotional materials available for you to download HERE
We look forward to extraordinary worship, reading of the scripture and prayer, all of which will remind us that when “Jesus paid it all, He bought it all.”
If you are interested in participating in this, or future citywide events, please contact us at: info@churchesofanchorage.com or 258-1165.  We invite and welcome your help!
Celebrating the ‘All’-encompassing work Christ accomplished on the Cross,
Servant and Leadership Team of Church of Anchorage

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Church of Anchorage Update

In the original Articles of Incorporation, our organization is called: Church of Anchorage.  We are currently working on changing our website and other print materials to reflect the decision to go ‘back to our roots.’  It was decided that ‘Church of Anchorage’ more accurately reflects our goal and desire to answer Jesus’ prayer in John 17…that we would be ONE.

God’s Provision for Church of Anchorage

We have felt for quite some time now that we were to be in a physical position to pray over our city.  In December, 2010 we sent a letter to several property managers around town and requested free or reduced rent for office space with a view of the city.  We had options within days.  The first location  was offered to Church of Anchorage (COA) on the spot.   Before there was time to discuss this offer as a board, we received another phone call.

View of sunrise from COA offices
One of the companies approached was Wells Fargo.  A few days after we sent our request, Wells Fargo called and said, “Come and pick up your keys.” 

Through Wells Fargo, the Lord has blessed us with 1,200 square feet of office space free of charge for a year.  We are in Suite 410 in the Wells Fargo Building on Northern Lights and C Streets with an east-facing view of the mountains and midtown.  We also have permission to use the board room on the 5th floor for larger gatherings and prayer times.  This room has a wall of windows facing downtown Anchorage. 

We are praising God for his faithful provision of more than we could ask, think or imagine!

It is our mission:  
To unify, equip and encourage leaders to serve the people of our city through prayer, partnership, and provision.  Here are some of the ways we have engaged toward that end over the past several months:

  • 52 Weeks of Prayer initiative began November, 2010
  •  More than 80 prayer groups and ministries are committed to cover a week of dedicated prayer for the city of Anchorage

Praying over City of Anchorage
  • The First Quarter prayer meeting was held at the COA offices in the conference room overlooking the city
    • Representatives from those groups that prayed during the first quarter gathered and shared how they prayed during their week, as well as how the Lord directed them and what they felt the Lord was saying
    • It was a great evening of fellowship and prayer and those from the first quarter will be invited to future gatherings, as well

Praying at
Project Homeless Connect

  • We have had meetings with several area pastors and had opportunity to pray with them and help them walk through various issues
  • Children’s ministry leaders are coming together and discussing ways they can partner and encourage one another
    • VBS Partnership
    •  Joint outreach events
    •  Citywide children’s ministry worker events
  • Emergency Cold Weather Shelters are open 4 nights a week.  The city has been very grateful and looking for ways to make the process of becoming an approved shelter easier
    • There are two more churches who are talking with their elder boards about the possibility of opening their facility
  • The success and favor with the Municipality was evidenced when they approached COA and asked if we would host a prayer station at Project Homeless Connect in January.  It was a great success and we will participate in future events, as well
    • The Next Project Homeless Connect will be in July

Praying at the COA Luncheon

  • Our most recent quarterly luncheon was a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, prayer and strengthening of relationship.  Please join us in the future and be blessed.
  • We have met with several of our city’s statesmen and they have agreed to hold meetings twice a month that will be open to any Christian leaders in our city (by appointment).  These small gatherings will provide opportunity for current and up and coming leaders to ask questions of those who have gone before
  • We are planning a leaders’ retreat - more information will be available soon
  • Our website, blogs and facebook page are generating a great deal of traffic  (hundreds of views each day) and are being utilized by more people more frequently
  • Citywide Good Friday service will be held on Friday, April 22 at 7PM at the West High Auditorium
  • COA is collaborating with Victory Bible Camp to  organize a State-Wide Pastors’ Retreat in late October. 
We are all aware of a clear sense of God’s sovereign movement in our city.  He is touching ministries and opening doors for more collaborative efforts all the time.  We want to continually encourage you, if you are not already connected, to reach out to other churches and ministries for fellowship, partnership and support.  We are happy to assist in whatever way we are able.

Church of Anchorage office number: 258-1165