Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making Transitions

A number of years ago I preached a series of messages on following God.  One of the quotes that came out of those messages, not original to me, was - “WOW, What a Ride!”  In fact, we had a few tee shirts designed and sold.  The front of the shirt read  “Here I am Lord… send me.”  The back of the tee shirt read “Wow, what a ride!”

Transitions are about taking a step or a series of steps that make up a journey as you move from one place to the next.  Sometimes that journey can be quite a ride. Transitions can be fun, exciting, apprehensive, and fearful all at the same time. They can be forced upon you and even created in a crisis.  One minute your predictable life seemed to be sailing along well and the next minute you find yourself choking because you are gulping sea water.  You are desperately looking for anything you can hold on to that will keep you afloat.  Transitions can frequently be fraught with “suddenlies.”  There was no time to man the lifeboat or even buckle on a life jacket or even send out an SOS for help.  The good news is that God knows your coordinates on the map and the rescue team has been dispatched.  You will make it but you will get wet.

Don’t we all wish that transitions were smooth and announced ahead of time?  Having a well-ramped transition piece in the doorway of another room with a different floor elevation is of great help.  The poorly constructed sharp edged wood transition pieces are likely to catch your toe and send you careening into the next room in the most graceful fashion.  Having a slow transition from one elevation to the next should be the goal of any good carpenter or leader.  The point is that we do not want to stumble people we want them to experience as harmless and joy filled transitions as possible.

While I was observing New England paintings on a wall one day in a restaurant musing over why they were made the way they were, a pastor friend of mine stepped up and asked the obvious question…  Do you know why they built those bridges like that?  I responded with, “Because they look cool?”  He laughed at my response.  Then he explained that in the covered wagon days that many horse drawn wagons experienced total loss of property and even life as the teams were driven through the rushing waters to the other side.  The river current would sweep them away, the horses would panic and lose their footing and the wagon contents and passengers were thrown out of the wagon as it tipped over and drifted down the river.

One day some inventive person decided to fall trees across the river and lay planks on top of the trees to make a wooden road over top the river.  Which worked fine except that the horses could still hear and see the water under them and disasters continued to take place.  Then came the invention of the eye blinders.  The horses did not frighten nearly so much even though they could still hear and see the water by turning their heads.

Finally, someone built what looked like a barn.  The idea was to make the horses feel like they were going home.  They were safe because of a well-built infrastructure and an environment was created that brought peace.  They could make what was a life threatening transition now safely without the fear of disaster.

One of the traits of a good leader is to learn how to build good bridges across what could be fearful and damaging river crossings.  Those crossings may be likened to changing physical locations, job responsibilities, building construction projects, altering a long standing church traditions, etc.

In Swaziland, Africa there is a greeting using the word “Ya-bo” (sp).  It simply means… I see you!  God sees you right where you are and at whatever stage you are in making your transition.  Trust in God' s foreknowledge. We see only in part. Until we see as God sees we have to lean on his ability to know what is coming in the days ahead.

For most of us, if we had a sneak preview of what was coming down the road ahead of us, we may not have embarked on the journey in the first place.  Abraham and many people listed in Hebrews chapter eleven pleased God because they trusted Gods foreknowledge and the faith to press to lay hold of what could not be seen in the natural.  Looking back at the journey, we are profoundly grateful for God’s faithfulness and love.  What a privilege to be part of what He is doing.

1) Transitions should be always predicated upon God's purposes.  The word purpose means something that is deliberately set forth.  Please note that I said “God's” purposes and did not say our purposes.  It is helpful to be reminded that He is Lord above all things. If He chooses to relocate someone from one side of the world to the other it is His prerogative, He is God! If God wants to take you across the river, it is for your benefit.  Across the river is where we will find the most joy filled, satisfying, and safest place to be. 

2) It is important to know that God has authored the transitions you are making.  I know of many people through the years who have made many unnecessary transitions because they were bored with their current life and misread circumstances that justified making life changes.  The real issue was not God transitioning them as much as they needed a way out of their situation.

3) Your, God directed, journey is likely not going to be quite like anyone else's, That must be okay in your own soul.  It is quite possible that others will never understand you or the choices you have made out of a clear conviction in your own heart.  You will likely be misunderstood.  Jesus said that wisdom is justified of her children. In other words, the proof is in the pudding! I have heard it said that “there are twin deceivers, success and failure, God does not want us to focus on either one but to simply be obedient.”  Obedience pleases God.  Let God sort out the
obstacles.  You have an assignment to carry out.. 

At the end of the day, we stand before God to give account for our own decisions and actions.  Think about it... we are enjoying the blessings of those who were willing to walk their own walk all by themselves simply out of obedience to God!  These are the kind of people who are history makers.  People who left their own God appointed mark that did not look like anyone else's.  Remember that God is the one who gives the dream and the ability to carry out the dream, its His idea, not yours!  Good ideas are not always Gods ideas.  Determining his idea is critical to success.

4) Finding your way.  There are no shortcuts in determining the will of God outside of the Word of God and diligent and faithful prayer.  It is my opinion that every matter of consequence needs to have a team of intercessors petitioning God for the protection and guidance that only He can provide.  People that you trust to be spiritual and hear God's voice. Listen to what they are saying to you and measure it by the Scripture and into the whole of what you are asking God for. 

Take good notes and look at those notes regularly.  Keep record of the promptings you hear from God.  Things like dreams, visions, Bible verses that stand out to you.  Pay attention to the unusual things that may be “God tracks.” Those signs that point the path to where God has already gone before you.  Listen to the wisdom of those seasoned veterans, spiritual mentors in your life who have had plenty of experience with their own journeys.  Most of all, please pay attention to whether you have the peace of God in your own soul.  The general rule of thumb is don't move if you don't have peace to move.  His peace is a clear indicator of His presence going before you and with you.  My encouragement is to not make changes without that unmistakable peace.

If in the course of your journey you find yourself off of the path.  God is faithful to set you on the correct path.  Ps.27 says that the Lord is our light and salvation.  He promises to be our light.  The problem is often found not in His failure to be a light but our choices in stepping out of the light, creating our own light, if you will.  God promises not only to be your light to get you on the path again but He is also your salvation, your deliverer.  Fear then has no place if we trust in what this scripture instructs us to do. My pastor used to say,  "God underwrites what He writes!"

Transition Reminders:

·       Timing is everything. He makes everything beautiful in its time
·       Seek Godly counsel and follow protocol to authority in making your transition
·       Be humble, gracious, filled with gratitude for where you have been
·       Be present in the present – don’t run ahead of yourself
·       Keep your anchored lowered until it is time to retrieve it and set sail.  Wherever you go, make sure you drop your anchor securely.
·       Be mindful of those you leave in your transition, do they feel abandoned?
·       Are there any relationships that need healing?
·       Be faithful to maintain relationships even after your transition

Ecc. 3:1 – For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven

Transitions are critical to fulfilling the purposes of God in your life.  Now would be a good time to pray…. Here am I Lord, send me.  Your response will likely be – Wow what a ride!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Appeal to the Tempted or Stumbling Leader

It was a very chilly late Saturday evening when a muffled knock was heard on the front door of our family home.  I left my sermon preparation study on the kitchen table and answered the door.  There was a friend of mine standing with his head lowered.  I could tell by his quivering voice that this was not a social call.

I invited him into the living room and he shared with me his story.  He had been driving around all evening with the intention of involving himself in a disobedient act before God.  He had driven the dark city streets for a long time when he finally decided to reach out instead of carrying out his plan to be disobedient.  He drove to my home hoping for someone to rescue him.

For several hours we talked about his pain and what was compelling him to act in disobedience.  We spent a good amount of time praying as God touched his heart.  When he left much later that night, he had a change of mind and heart and he went home and did the right thing before God. That night a marriage and ministry were snatched from the hands of the evil one. He resisted the temptation to participate in morally self-destructive behavior. 

I have had many opportunities to visit my friend over the years.  I can say that the last I saw him he was living an overcoming life for Christ and he was successfully helping others find their way in making life altering decisions for the glory of God.

What I have observed is that often leaders can preach a redemptive message to those they may have influence with, but do not or cannot apply the same redemptive message to themselves.  The message of reconciliation, restoration and redemption applies to leaders as much as to those who may be following the leader.  In fact, if a leader cannot draw from their own redemption story they will be hard pressed to effectively bring hope to those who need that same redemptive message.

It is with my heart-felt love and care for leaders that I offer up this exhortation.  The following scripture reference is often used by leaders when preaching to others.  In this case, my prayer is the leader reading this will heed these words for the sake of their relationship with Christ and the testimony of Jesus. This instruction is given to the Angel (leader) of the Church of Ephesus.

Rev.2:1 –7 - To the angel of the church in Ephesus write;  These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands;  I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.  I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.  You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.  Remember the height from which you have fallen!  Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.  But you have this in your favor; you hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.  He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. 

1.  Reality – Even though you have done many things right, you have been deceived!   You have forsaken your first love!  You have forsaken the place of great passion for intimacy with Jesus.  Maybe it was all the “right ministry things” that led you astray.  Maybe it was the tyranny of the urgent that caused a detour in your intimate relationship with Christ.  It is hard to separate our priorities sometimes as 1. God  2. Family 3. Ministry.  We assume that the God and ministry parts are one in the same, when in fact, they are very different.  On the note of family, I should emphasize that your spouse should be the priority on family.

2.  Remember the height from which you have fallen!  Reflect where you were before your slow drift away.  Remember how God was using you.  Remember the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon you, the ways in which God was using you to advance His Kingdom.  Observe that it is now only a memory and not reality.  You may be running on yesterday’s ability when your soul and spirit were healthy. 

3.  Repent - The action of repentance is not just feeling the grief of what you have done and what the present condition of your spirit is.  Repentance requires action. It begins with a decision to change your course heading.  The next step is to turn your eyes away from what has captivated you and misled you.  No one else can do this but you!  Be careful to not turn your eyes toward someone or something else that brings the deception of satisfaction to your soul.  After you have turned your eyes, continue to make a deliberate act to turn your heart to Jesus and no one or nothing else. 

4.  Return to the right course heading - Do the things the things you did at first.  When your eyes and heart have turned it makes it much easier to turn your feet towards his open arms just for you.  When your feet have turned; walk, run, and better yet, sprint towards his open loving arms eagerly waiting to embrace you.  You will find his mercy and the essential grace in a fresh new way that enables you to walk daily in his power and ability.

As simple as it sounds… you have been separated from God in some way.  Return to the simplicity of the cross.  Falling in love is a process.  Begin the journey home by facing the truth of where you are at and do the things you did in the beginning of your relationship with Christ.  Make the decision to pick up the Word of God and read it, devour it, meditate on it.  This is not intended study time for your next sermon.  Allow the Word of God to possess you. Make the time to steal away to a private quiet place and listen for God’s voice and you pour out your heart to Him in truth.  If you are struggling to see, engage another leader or a trusted counselor to help you sort through the confusion in your mind.

In doing this; it is likely that you will begin to see root issues that made you vulnerable to the temptation of the enemy in the first place.  As God is faithful to allow you to see your brokenness, it is imperative that you not turn away from the pain.  Remember that buried pain will remain alive until it is brought to death on the cross.  God does want to heal you and restore you, but you must be willing to bring your fear, your broken heart, and your grief over failing to the only one who can restore your soul.

Your mis-steps, your errors, your bad choices do not identify who you are. 

Rise up, you have been called by God to fulfill His purposes.  God is not finished with you.  He is the only redeemer.  This applies to the leader as much as it does the follower.  It’s time to move forward and put the past behind.  The Apostle Paul knew all about this.  His words in Philippians 3:13 -  “this one thing I do, forgetting (to put out of mind) what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”  The idea here is to desperately run for your life toward Christ and all that He has for you.  Learn from your mistakes.  Own your issues and deal with them so that they stumble you no longer.

Please do not run away or quit.  Do not make the choice of becoming a leader who is “Missing In Action.”  We need you!  We need your knowledge and experience to help the rest of us stay away from the traps that capture so many.  People around you need your proven and refined leadership to take them forward into God’s purposes for this season.

2 Cor.12:9 – My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When Jesus paid it all, He bought it all!

We are quickly approaching the glorious celebration of Easter.  A great sense of expectation is in the air.

I have some great news to share with you regarding an opportunity for a larger part of the Body of Christ to come together in celebration of Good Friday.  Church of Anchorage is hosting a citywide Good Friday service.

Good Friday Service
“When Jesus paid it all, He bought it all.”
 7:00 - 8:30 PM
West High School Auditorium
More than a dozen churches (to date) have come together in planning this time of reflection and celebration of the Cross of Christ. We will be examining the enormity of the little word, “All.”  The “All” encompasses the redemptive benefits of the cross for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, generation, or social status.  It encompasses all of creation, all that is seen and unseen - it was ‘All’ created ‘by Him and for Him.’  
Jesus is glorified when His Church comes together to seek His face and to declare His Majesty and Greatness over our city and state.  Please join us in demonstrating the unity as believers that Jesus prayed for in Jn.17:21;  “that they would be one even as we are one.”  
You may do this in several ways:
  1. Participate in the citywide choir for this service (
  2. Help with prayer, greeter, and usher teams is needed (
  3. Please help us spread the word about this service!  We have promotional materials available for you to download HERE
We look forward to extraordinary worship, reading of the scripture and prayer, all of which will remind us that when “Jesus paid it all, He bought it all.”
If you are interested in participating in this, or future citywide events, please contact us at: or 258-1165.  We invite and welcome your help!
Celebrating the ‘All’-encompassing work Christ accomplished on the Cross,
Servant and Leadership Team of Church of Anchorage

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Church of Anchorage Update

In the original Articles of Incorporation, our organization is called: Church of Anchorage.  We are currently working on changing our website and other print materials to reflect the decision to go ‘back to our roots.’  It was decided that ‘Church of Anchorage’ more accurately reflects our goal and desire to answer Jesus’ prayer in John 17…that we would be ONE.

God’s Provision for Church of Anchorage

We have felt for quite some time now that we were to be in a physical position to pray over our city.  In December, 2010 we sent a letter to several property managers around town and requested free or reduced rent for office space with a view of the city.  We had options within days.  The first location  was offered to Church of Anchorage (COA) on the spot.   Before there was time to discuss this offer as a board, we received another phone call.

View of sunrise from COA offices
One of the companies approached was Wells Fargo.  A few days after we sent our request, Wells Fargo called and said, “Come and pick up your keys.” 

Through Wells Fargo, the Lord has blessed us with 1,200 square feet of office space free of charge for a year.  We are in Suite 410 in the Wells Fargo Building on Northern Lights and C Streets with an east-facing view of the mountains and midtown.  We also have permission to use the board room on the 5th floor for larger gatherings and prayer times.  This room has a wall of windows facing downtown Anchorage. 

We are praising God for his faithful provision of more than we could ask, think or imagine!

It is our mission:  
To unify, equip and encourage leaders to serve the people of our city through prayer, partnership, and provision.  Here are some of the ways we have engaged toward that end over the past several months:

  • 52 Weeks of Prayer initiative began November, 2010
  •  More than 80 prayer groups and ministries are committed to cover a week of dedicated prayer for the city of Anchorage

Praying over City of Anchorage
  • The First Quarter prayer meeting was held at the COA offices in the conference room overlooking the city
    • Representatives from those groups that prayed during the first quarter gathered and shared how they prayed during their week, as well as how the Lord directed them and what they felt the Lord was saying
    • It was a great evening of fellowship and prayer and those from the first quarter will be invited to future gatherings, as well

Praying at
Project Homeless Connect

  • We have had meetings with several area pastors and had opportunity to pray with them and help them walk through various issues
  • Children’s ministry leaders are coming together and discussing ways they can partner and encourage one another
    • VBS Partnership
    •  Joint outreach events
    •  Citywide children’s ministry worker events
  • Emergency Cold Weather Shelters are open 4 nights a week.  The city has been very grateful and looking for ways to make the process of becoming an approved shelter easier
    • There are two more churches who are talking with their elder boards about the possibility of opening their facility
  • The success and favor with the Municipality was evidenced when they approached COA and asked if we would host a prayer station at Project Homeless Connect in January.  It was a great success and we will participate in future events, as well
    • The Next Project Homeless Connect will be in July

Praying at the COA Luncheon

  • Our most recent quarterly luncheon was a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, prayer and strengthening of relationship.  Please join us in the future and be blessed.
  • We have met with several of our city’s statesmen and they have agreed to hold meetings twice a month that will be open to any Christian leaders in our city (by appointment).  These small gatherings will provide opportunity for current and up and coming leaders to ask questions of those who have gone before
  • We are planning a leaders’ retreat - more information will be available soon
  • Our website, blogs and facebook page are generating a great deal of traffic  (hundreds of views each day) and are being utilized by more people more frequently
  • Citywide Good Friday service will be held on Friday, April 22 at 7PM at the West High Auditorium
  • COA is collaborating with Victory Bible Camp to  organize a State-Wide Pastors’ Retreat in late October. 
We are all aware of a clear sense of God’s sovereign movement in our city.  He is touching ministries and opening doors for more collaborative efforts all the time.  We want to continually encourage you, if you are not already connected, to reach out to other churches and ministries for fellowship, partnership and support.  We are happy to assist in whatever way we are able.

Church of Anchorage office number: 258-1165

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Undivided Heart

Psalm 86:10-11 - For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.
Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; 
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. “For you are great and do marvelous deeds. You alone are God.”

That is an incredibly powerful statement: “You alone are God.” Think about that. As it has been said, “There is a God, and you are not He.”

“You alone are God. Teach me…” (because You alone are God) “teach me your way, O Lord that I may rely on your faithfulness and give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.” When we learn His ways, we rely all the more on His faithfulness because HE IS GOD!

For some time, I’ve been experiencing a growing desire in my heart – a shift in the way in which I fellowship with Him. In moments of transparency, I am able to recognize and confess that I have spent years, probably most of my Christian journey, being as obedient as I know how to be and doing what the Scriptures teach. Being obedient to the Word is obviously the right thing to do. However, I’ve become aware that in some respects I have learned how to be a good Pharisee. I have kept the Law or the customs of our Christian community, but I long for intimacy at a deeper level in my fellowship with God. This realization has been an eye opener for me.

I’m mindful of the scripture written in Psalm 103:7 - “The Lord showed his ways unto Moses and His acts to the children of Israel.”

For too long, I have sought more for the acts than I have the ways of God. Both the acts and ways of God are needed in a healthy Christian life. When we know His ways, we understand His acts.

I believe that we are living in a critical time that requires leaders to understand the ways of God.

I do not think that God is withholding things from us as much as He is holding things for us. He is wise and very careful about whom He shares “His ways” with. He looks for the man or woman, as he always has, whose heart is set on Him and then he tests and proves them. He is searching the hearts of men for integrity, men who have undivided hearts. The end result of spending time your heart set on him? You will be one “that fear (s) His name.”

We cannot be in the presence of God without experiencing the fear of God. Being in awe of His majesty, His authority and power to do whatever He wills.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus makes similar statements regarding His relationship with his Father. He says, ‘I only do that which I see my Father do.’ Or ‘I only speak those things that I hear spoken to me.’ God is looking for leaders who lead that kind of relationship and life; People who find life in the ways of God. A cry from our hearts and a God pleasing pursuit for all of us would be: ‘I want to know your ways… teach me your ways that I may know you. And give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. For you alone are God!”

We live with divided hearts most of the time. The struggle for all of us is being in a place where God has firm ownership of everything we are and everything we possess.

More than ever, I desire to live life like that of a servant of God, and more importantly, like a child of God. I’m begging God, “show me what it means to know your ways. I don’t want to know only what you do, I really want to know why you think what you think and say what you say. I want to be the child who follows you around and observes and imitates everything you do and say.”

I have a video that occasionally plays in my mind as I meditate on knowing God. Imagine a sealed throne room in heaven with walls, lined with windows, and in that throne room the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are present…. talking, planning, discussing. Imagine being able to somehow get hold of that windowsill and pull yourself up, and watch…and press your ear against the glass to listen to the conversation. Much like what happened to Isaiah in chapter six. He overheard God’s heavenly conversation. His response was one of humility and brokenness as he recognized his shortcoming in the presence of The Holy God. Yet, in earnest, he made the statement… here am I… send me! God’s presence had revealed the real Isaiah and God’s power brought cleansing to his lips to speak His oracles. Isaiah’s heart was now undivided, priorities were sorted out and he was ready to be used for eternal purposes. The wonderful news is that we do not have to hold onto windowsills and strain to hear God. As children of God, we have been given total access to the throne of God where eternal things await our arrival so that we may implement them in our generation. The King’s scepter has been extended to you and me to be in His presence, to know His ways, and to participate in His acts.

No amount of time spent doing things in the Kingdom make up for the lack of time spent with the King!

Give me an undivided heart, that I may know your ways so that I may fear your name!


Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have A Dream

I had the privilege of being part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration in Anchorage this past weekend. I have been involved for several years, and each time I am impacted more deeply – more appreciative of how one man’s dream continues to influence an entire nation. There were undoubtedly many who had dreams in Dr. King’s generation, and while many of those dreams were probably also realized, it is the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. that continues to ring through the annals of time.

Dr. King was motivated by the oppression of African Americans. What took place in the natural he addressed with spiritual passion. God-given dreams are often prophetic, visions of the future. They are filled with faith, the ability to see that which is not yet seen with natural eyes. Today we celebrate such a dream – a vision put into a man’s heart decades ago.

Dreams have shaped our country and made it what is today. It was a dream in the heart of a small band of Englishmen that launched from the shores of England in three wooden sailing ships. It was a dream that brave men and women saw that gave them courage to press onward in the founding of the early colonies of America.

History is filled with dreams. Those dreams are laden with hope, a bright expectation for tomorrow. God gives men and women dreams to fulfill his purposes. The dreams given to Jacob in Genesis still impact us today. Joseph’s dreams provided salvation for an entire people group.

The Book of Joel proclaims that “in the last days, old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.” (2:28) I suggest that God gives guidance through dreams and visions. If a dream is born of God, He will confirm it in many ways. Be careful not to devalue dreams or treat them with contempt because of past experience in hearing what was said to be a “God dream” that proved to be nothing more than man’s desire. God dreams will not only be confirmed by Him, they will be accompanied by peace and the unmistakable witness of the Holy Spirit.

What is the dream God has placed in your heart? What is that secret thought that has been held captive in your mind for years? Could it be that God is giving you a part in His plan for the days ahead? Pursuing your dream will demand great courage and obedience. God’s plan is to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things. I remember my first pastor saying: “Anything that God writes, He underwrites!” When God gives a dream, be assured that He will be faithful to bring it to completion. After all, it is His dream!